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Sundak beach, Yogyakarta

Sundak Beach is one of the rows of white sand beaches in the district Gunungkidul, precisely in the village district Sidoharjo Tepus. Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Located on the southern coast line of beaches lined with Kukup, Krakal, Drini, Along the Coast and Baron.
In addition to the white sandy, beach Sundak well decorated and there are coral reefs Fish Auction Place. Will appear a few hills and limestone rocks in the northern coast of Sundak with 12 meters high. Here also there is a resort and mini circuit "off-road". Quite complete facilities such as spacious parking lot, substation view, food stalls, stage entertainment, and mosques. Moreover, along the coast Sundak can also be a place for group camping student / students.
This beach is relatively natural, beautiful with the dominance of blue sea and white sand beaches. Coast Sundak very interesting places to visit in the morning or late afternoon.Sunset and sunrise in this beach does offer spectacular natural scenery. The beach is relatively quiet this will probably offer something that appeals to you who desire a peace.
The trip to the beach Sundak about 2-3 hours from the city of Jogjakarta. do not ever think that the journey would be boring and tiring because of all the trips you will enjoy the natural scenery of the white chalk hill in the dry season. Especially if you want to take a break then you can see the sights of the city of Yogyakarta.Sundak Beach not only has a fascinating natural scenery, but also keeps the story.Name Sundak turns to experience the evolution of the evidences can be traced geologically.In order to know how evolution, visitors must know first the condition of outskirts Sundak Beach then and now. On the western edge of the beach there is a mosque and an empty space that is now used as a parking lot. Entering the cave, will be found natural wells where people get fresh water.Areas described above prior to 1930 are still submerged ocean. That said, the water to a region that is now a mosque, which form the rock caves were still submerged in water.As the geological processes on the south coast, sea water recede and more jutting into the sea. The coral reef and the area around the mosque became new land which is then exploited coastal residents for economic activity to date.There is a unique natural phenomenon due to the activity that eventually became the starting point of naming this beach. During the wet season, a lot of water flowing from land to sea. As a result, the plains on the east coast of splitting to form a formation like a river. Water that flows like mbedah (splitting) of sand. When the drought came, crevice disappeared and since the sea water came in with sand. This natural phenomenon is what causes the name to be Wedibedah beach (sand is split).The name change took place several decades later.Around the year 1976, there is an interesting event. One afternoon, a dog was running around the beach area and enter the cave corals met with a sea urchin. Because the hungry, the dog was intended to eat the sea urchin, but the hedgehog escape. There was a fight that eventually won the dog managed to eat half of the body with sea urchin and out of the cave with pride. The act known to the dog owner, named Arjasangku, which saw half of the sea urchin's body in a dog's mouth. Checking into the cave, apparently the owner found the body of sea urchin and a half remaining. Well, since then, the name changed to Sundak Wedibedah, abbreviation of asu (dog) and landak.Not unexpectedly, the fight was a blessing for locals. After decades of water shortages, residents eventually discovered the springs. Initially, the wonder dog owner that his dog out of the cave with dripping wet. Hypothesis, in the cave there is water and the dog had drowned while pursuing porcupines. After trying out some investigations, the prediction turned out correct. Be present, the water in a cave used for purposes of the population live. From inside the cave, now installed pipes to connect with residents. The findings of this spring treat disappointment because of the well established residents were inundated by sea water.If the condition in 1930 just as said above, can be estimated condition of hundreds of years earlier. Certainly very many organisms that take advantage of the lower coral caves now and what is now the mainland. Therefore, many archaeologists believe that as a consequence of geological processes that exist, many organisms that left and piled into a fossil. Matter what fossils are found, it has yet much research reveals.Besides offering a silent witness to history, Sundak also offers a pleasant evening. You can enjoy the night wind while ordering raw fish to be grilled with a friend. By paying a few thousand, you can buy wood for fuel. If lazy, so that messages are cooked ready to eat. What is clear, do not be confused to find a place to stay. Visitors can sleep anywhere, set up a tent, or just lying on the bench stall if unused nights. Darkness does not need to fuss, is not boring if life continues bright?If you want to, interact with residents can be a revelation. You can find out how people live, their culture, and of course new people who might be able to change your outlook on life. Mbah Tugiman meet the usual vigil in the parking lot Arjasangku atau Mbah could be an option. They are one of the elders at the beach Sundak. Come, all of which there are waiting!

1 komentar:

Unknown said...

mana turisnya?

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